
The Centre is always looking for dedicated volunteers who are able to offer their time on a regular basis. If you would be interested in volunteering feel free to pop in the Centre during our opening times to have a look around. Alternatively you can email us at  or phone at 01322 663042.

The Centre is a friendly place with a friendly and helpful team of volunteers and many of our members come for support and socialising as well as to use the chamber.

Chamber Operator

Currently our most urgent need at the Centre is for people who can help to run the oxygen therapy sessions. You will be trained at your own pace and operating the chamber is relatively easy and doesn’t require a lot of physical strength. You will be shown how to help members into the chamber and to adjust their oxygen masks, how to pressurise the chamber at a safe rate, how to observe that everything is running smoothly during the session and then how to depressurise the chamber afterwards.

Photos courtesy of Light Hackers